Expressionism: A movement that changed the language of the art

The art world has been evolving since the origin of mankind. Throughout history, artists have produced art in a variety of media and styles, following different philosophies and concepts. They are adapting and constantly coming up with new art styles. And that occurs an art movement; but what is it? An art movement is a tendency or style in art with a specific common philosophy or concept, followed by a group of artists during a specific period of time (say for a couple of years or so). Many movements happened in art, but ‘Expressionism’ changed the entire language of the art.

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Villa Shodhan: A beautiful amalgamation of modern and traditional Indian architecture

It’s the 21st century and everything is different now. New technologies, new trends, innovations; everything is evolving day by day. We are living a modern lifestyle, aren’t we? The entire world is in a race of evolution. As everything else changed and evolved so as our architecture. Just like fashion, we have seen many trends in architecture as well and modern architecture is one of them. While talking about modern architecture, you must have an idea about what is modern architecture? In answer to that question, any form of architecture that is built with new techniques, new construction methods, and new ideas/concepts is known as modern architecture and is characterised by various building materials such as glass, steel, reinforced concrete, etc.

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A New Way Of Contemporary Art: Mixed Media Art

Art lovers always wanted to try distinct forms, but sometimes they are not sure what to do and where to start? Then, for them, there is one unique option, Mixed Media Art. Before talking about anything, let’s know what exactly Mixed Media Art is. Mixed Media Art is an artwork in which over one medium or material has been employed. It involves mixing different creative mediums to create one piece of art that incorporates two or more art forms. For example, you can make a painting, and add sculpture to it or you can draw on the top of photography prints.

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