Welcome to World Through My Eyes!

I am Prachi Patel, a London-based Journalist and Editor. "World Through My Eyes" is a glimpse into my extensive portfolio—a testament to my dedication to uncovering stories that matter and shaping narratives that resonate. This encapsulates the journalistic journey that I've penned throughout my career.  

About Me

My name is Prachi Patel. I am a London-based journalist and editor with a passion for telling diverse stories that serve the public interest across various sectors.

My journalism journey began with an architectural journalism internship when I was pursuing my undergraduate in Architecture. This experience opened my eyes to the power of words. From there, my path meandered through different facets of storytelling, leading me to the bustling world of newsrooms and editorial desks.


A mere glimpse into my expansive journalistic odyssey—a curated compilation of select published works


Showcase of my photography

Open To Collaboration & Freelance Work!

If you have a compelling story idea or seek a dedicated and versatile journalist to collaborate with, I'm just a message away.  Contact me to explore collaboration opportunities!

Prachi Patel

Journalist & Editor

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